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​​​​​​​with startups 

Our vision is simple: Work together to transform patient’s lives

HemInnovation & samarbeteSamarbete med startups

Innovation & samarbete

Collaboration with startups through Stockholm Healthcare Hub

As technology plays an increasing role in delivering and improving healthcare, Pfizer is seeking to support and accelerate innovation in specific therapeutic areas, to transform patients’ lives.

To achieve that we collaborate with startups to help them grow, reach more patients and providers faster; by giving access to Pfizer’s network and resources.

Read this information in Swedish


Do you want more information about our Stockholm Health Care Hub and our collaboration with startups?
Don’t hesitate to get in touch

Andreas Svensson

Digital Innovation Lead

Contact Andreas

Why collaborate with Pfizer?

Are you a startup working in digital healthcare? Benefit from our expertise within Stockholm Healthcare Hub to test your solution, develop your product and get access to Pfizer´s network and resources. Working with Pfizer Sweden could help you grow, reach more patients and providers faster!

Our Hub is designed to bring companies, working in digital healthcare, together with the experience and expertise of Pfizer Sweden´s network. The Hub will help companies and clinicians support adoption of innovative technologies and help you to advance your business, but even to scale up your solution or simply test the validity of it.

Pfizer Healthcare Hub Stockholm

The Pfizer Stockholm Hub contributes to a global network of Pfizer Healthcare Hubs that can identify, interact, and support the startups that can provide solutions to our patient’s most challenging proble

Stockholm Hub is part of a global network of Pfizer innovation hubs, with centers in Helsinki, London, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Freiburg, Brussels, Rotterdam, Zurich, Berlin, Prague, Tel Aviv, Istanbul, Vienna, Sydney and Tokyo. New hubs are also being launched simultaneously. Additionally, specifically trained Pfizer colleagues are scouting digital healthcare startups in South America, South Africa as well as in Asia.

We know that startups are developing the technology which will shape healthcare provision of the future, and we are excited to be a part of this revolution.

We hope that collaborating with startups will complement our medicines with cutting edge technology throughout the whole patient journey, and help us drive the best possible patient outcomes.

What are we looking for?

EAs technology plays an increasing role in delivering and improving healthcare, Pfizer is seeking to support and accelerate innovation in specific therapeutic areas to transform patients’ lives.

Through joint working or by providing our skills, experience, and resources - we are looking for digital ideas to improve the delivery of healthcare and achieve the best health outcomes for people in Sweden. In addition, we also work with healthcare professionals, patients and patient organizations to explore the needs for a better patient-centered care.

We are searching for innovative solutions and approaches for:

  • Disease awareness & information

  • Early detection & better diagnosis

  • Adherence & compliance

  • Treatment outcomes and patient reported outcomes


Our goal is to leverage opportunities to drive better patient outcomes in the following therapeutic areas:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases

  • Endocrine

  • Inflammation

  • Rare Diseases

  • Oncology

  • Vaccines

  • Clinical Research


Alex Therapeutics och Pfizer samarbetar om digital behandling

John Drakenberg Renander, VD för Alex Therapeutics, är glad över möjligheten att skala upp företagets nya behandlingar.

Pfizer och det Stockholmsbaserade företaget Alex Therapeutics har startat ett samarbete kring evidensbaserad, kliniskt validerad och individanpassad digital behandling.

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​​​​​​​Agera nu för att undvika nästa stora folkhälsokris

Först ut att ta del av mentorskapsprogrammet är medicinteknikföretaget MediTuner AB och deras lösning AsthmaTuner.

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Innovation & samarbete

  • Innovation, samarbete och engagemang för bättre hälsa
  • Tidig forskning
  • Kliniska prövningar
  • Samarbete med patientföreningar
Involvera patienter i läkemedelsutvecklingen

När vi planerar våra studier är det viktigt för oss att ha med patienter i hela processen så att vi kan utveckla läkemedel som är relevanta för patienterna och deras behov.

Här berättar vi mer om hur Pfizer jobbar med kliniska prövningar i Sverige.

Senaste nytt inom Innovation & samarbete

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